Sunday 14 April 2013

Runescape 2007

Mod Mat K is here to share a new edition of the Old School Dev Blog! When will Bot nuke happen to 07? bots already destroyed the fishing economy and woodcutting economy you people need to start paying more attention on destroying these bots i bet there bots making more money then a high employ at jagex.  buy runescape account about Runescape 2007 server poll currently did not make the poll for free 2007 for free users. They pretty much said if they get 500,00k votes then they will give 2007 to free users without charge.
"Please don't blame runescape they are here to help not to cause problems." Thanks

for rs3 how about the ongoing loyal players who never ended there membership we shoud also get in before everyone else I have never end my membership and I been playing for all most 6 years being selling runescape accounts a member without canceling it please do something for us people who didnt cancel membership


  1. If there's one thing I really enjoy about the rise of downloadable console games, it's the abundance of retro remakes.
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